One-eyed kitty finds love and safety thanks to transport by PTTR

Cye started life homeless in Virginia - until a Good Samaritan took pity on her and helped her find shelter at the
Pittsville Pet Center. But Pittsville Pet Center takes in over 1,500 pets a year. Sometimes they get overcrowded and that puts pets in danger - especially those that have special needs like Cye. But the staff there works hard to save as many as possible and one of the ways they do that is to partner with organizations like
Animal Rescue League in Portland, Maine (ARLGP) and
Animal Welfare Society (AWS) in West Kennebunk where animals often get adopted quickly.
Sounds simple enough, right? Not when you consider that Portland is a 12-hour, 800 mile drive from Pittsville. PTTR to the rescue! In January, Top Dog Pilot Michael Schneider and co-pilot Daniel Baumel took to the skies once again. Cye and 29 other cats were loaded into the new Pilots to the Rescue Piper PA-32R-301T for the 4-hour flight. By early afternoon, Cye and her friends were safe in Maine.

Once settled in at
Animal Welfare Society, a comprehensive veterinary examination revealed that Cye wasn't missing an eye as originally thought, but had a tiny, non-functioning eye. It may have been caused by a birth defect, developmental, or due to injury or disease. It is not uncommon in cats, but requires surgery to prevent future infection, abscess or inflammation.
Otherwise healthy, Cye was scheduled for surgery. But before the big day came, she scored a new home. A loving family fell in love and adopted her on the spot!

The staff at
AWS gave them all her medical records and explained the situation with her eye. Cye spent the next few days getting used to finally having a home, then had her surgery - paid for by AWS. She was able to recover in her now-familiar, loving, safe, home. That's a long way from homeless and alone in Virginia and Pilots to the Rescue is proud to have played a part in her story.