Xolo Rescue
Salt Lake City, UT ✈ Manassas, VA
This mission has exired
Origin: Salt Lake City, UT
Travel: Salt Lake City, UT ✈ Manassas, VA
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Drive "Xolo Rescue "
From: Gaithersburg MD
To: Manassas MDWhen: December 6, 2024 through December 8, 2024
Details: I am located 1hr 15 mins (1:15) east of the Manassas Airport, 2 miles from KGAI, Gaithersburg, MD. Not knowing the final destination for Xolo were the flight to arrive at KGAI I would be able to provide a wider area of transportation assistance. - My volunteer work includes transportation support for Homeward Trails, Fairfax Sta., VA. We have 2 dogs of our own and often watch dogs for our friends while they are away. I can be reached at 240.793.6970, initially by text otherwise the call will get blocked. I am available from Friday afternoon through Sunday. Thank you for your work. Dennis
Destination: Manassas, VA
Rescue and transported needed to Manassas, VA from Salt Lake City, UT
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