What You Will Need Before You Start:
Collection Containers
Volunteers To Sort & Count Coins and Bills
A Prize For The Winning Team! (ice cream, pizza party, pajama day etc.)
How to Play:
- Divide students into teams (teams can be by class, grade, etc.).
- Each team places their coin collection container in a highly visible area.
- To earn positive points for their team, students can put pennies and dollar bills in their containers.
- To take points away from their competitors, students can put silver and dollar coins in other teams’ containers.
*Tip: Prior to playing, have a discussion with your students about the importance of good sportsmanship and how to be competitive in a positive way.
How the Winner is Decided:
- At the end of the competition, volunteers will sort and count pennies, dollar bills, silver coins and dollar coins from each team.
- The total pennies and dollar bills represent each team’s “Positive” Points.
- The total silver and dollar coins represent each team’s “Negative” Points.
- Subtract the Negative Points from the Positive Points to determine each team’s final score.
The team with the highest score wins!
Things to keep in mind:
- Before bringing the collected coins to your local bank, make sure the bank will exchange the coins for free. If not, you may have to roll the coins to avoid a service fee. So, you might want to buy a bag of coin wrappers off Amazon just to be safe.
- After depositing the money into an account, make your check payable to: Pilots To The Rescue